STOP CODING YOUR IMAGES! This is a plugin that automatically generates a slider from a folder of images, taking the name of the images as captions. You can change the order of the images, and also select which ones will show the caption.
----> Update: March 17, 2021 Updated the components and fix compatibility issues with the latest version of jQuery ----> Update: May 2, 2013 Added a option to disabled the right click on the images, you can pass it like this to the JS function: { rightClickImages : false }
- Stop coding your images
- 40 Transition Effects for the images
- 11 Transition Effects for the captions
- CSS3 Transformations
- Thumbnails
- Tons of Options
- Responsive
- Swipe Support
- Multipe Sliders Per Page
- Compatible with Twitter Bootstrap
- Keyboard navigation
- Customizable through CSS
- Support any HTML in the name of the images (for captions)
Default Javascript Options
{ theme : 'default', width : '100%', autoPlay : true, rightClickImages : false, showTimer : true, playInterval : 4000, playBtn : true, loop : true, navArrows : true, navBar : true, navBarNumeric : false, autoHideNavArrows : false, autoHidePlayBtn : true, autoHideNavBar : false, keyboardNav : true, transitionSpeed : 700, boxSpeed : 450, captionSpeed : 300, captions : true, autoHideCaptions : false, thumbnails : true, thumbnailSize : 20, x : 8, y : 4, hideIconsInWidth : 500, hideTimerInWidth : 500, shadow : true, beforeTransition : function(){}, afterTransition : function(){}, onSlideshowEnd : function() {}, onPlay : function() {}, onPause : function() {} }
The Code You Need
You need to create the function “make_slider” with a unique id (the first parameter) and specify the folder where the plugin will read the images automatically (the second parameter)
You can read the documentation of the plugin here
Note: Old browsers like IE7 that doesn’t support the CSS property “transform” are not supporting the zoom and openBook effect so they fallback into a fade effect.