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AI Wallpapers & Quotes

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Added on June 3

Ambience Features

Ambience is a powerful Chrome extension that revolutionizes your new tab experience by immersing you in a world of limitless creativity, inspiration, and productivity. It replaces your standard new tab with stunning AI-generated wallpapers that refresh every hour, ensuring that your workspace remains visually captivating and dynamic.

Key Features:

AI-Generated Wallpapers: Experience stunning and dynamic AI-generated wallpapers that refresh every hour.
Inspiring AI-Generated Quotes: Discover thought-provoking and motivational quotes paired with each wallpaper.
Leap API Integration: Utilize advanced AI algorithms powered by the Leap API to create captivating visuals.
Image Prompts Exploration: Get insights into the image prompts that inspired each AI-generated masterpiece.
Wallpaper Download: Download and keep your favorite wallpapers for personal use beyond the new tab experience.

Use Cases:

  • Individuals seeking a visually stimulating and dynamic new tab experience.
  • Professionals looking for an inspiring and motivational workspace to enhance their productivity.
  • Creatives in need of a continuous source of inspiration for their artistic endeavors.
  • Anyone who wants to personalize their Chrome browsing experience with AI-generated wallpapers and quotes.
  • Users interested in exploring the creative process behind AI-generated artwork.

Ambience Chrome Extension is an excellent tool for those looking to enhance their workspace with visually captivating AI-generated wallpapers and inspiring quotes.

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Product Information

  • Last Updated

    June 12, 2023

  • Price


  • Released

    June 12, 2023

  • Version


  • Documentation


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